
Microsoft MB5-625 exam brain dumps

Having Microsoft certification MB5-625 exam certificate is equivalent to your life with a new milestone and the work will be greatly improved. I believe that everyone in the IT area is eager to have it. A lot of people in the discussion said that such a good certificate is difficult to pass and actually the pass rate is quite low. Not having done any efforts of preparation is not easy to pass, after all, Microsoft certification MB5-625 exam requires excellent expertise. Our ITCertKing is a website that can provide you with a shortcut to pass Microsoft certification MB5-625 exam. ITCertKing have a training tools of Microsoft certification MB5-625 exam which can ensure you pass Microsoft certification MB5-625 exam and gain certificate, but also can help you save a lot of time. Such a ITCertKing that help you gain such a valuable certificate with less time and less money is very cost-effective for you.

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Exam Code: MB5-625
Exam Name: Microsoft (C5 4.0 Project)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 38 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-29

MB5-625 Free Demo Download: http://www.itcertking.com/MB5-625_exam.html

NO.1 Which employees can be registered in project postings?
A. All employees who have been created in the employee table
B. Only the employees appearing in the "Sales rep." field
C. All employees who are registered with usernames in C5
D. This functionality is not possible
Answer: A

Microsoft   MB5-625   MB5-625

NO.2 If you use the invoicing principle, when should you allocate 100%?
A. At the end of each financial year
B. When the project has been fully invoiced
C. At the end of the year in which the project has been fully invoiced
D. Never
Answer: B

Microsoft   MB5-625 exam simulations   MB5-625   MB5-625 test   MB5-625 test questions

NO.3 The "Project is posted in finance" parameter shall be set to yes, if ...
A. the inventory table is used
B. costs posted in the project journal must be posted in G/L
C. invoicing is done from the project table
D. the salary module is used
Answer: B

Microsoft study guide   MB5-625   MB5-625   MB5-625

NO.4 If costs are budgeted to a project with a parent project, how are these costs registered to the main
A. These costs must be manually stated for the main project under the tab "Head. CTs" on all project
B. In the case of several project levels, the head. CTs are only updated automatically on the level just
above the sub project
C. In the case of several project levels, the head. CTs are updated on all levels
D. In the case of several project levels, the head. CTs are only updated at the lowest level
Answer: C

Microsoft   MB5-625   MB5-625 pdf   MB5-625   MB5-625

NO.5 Registrations of projects must always be indicated by...
A. project number and nothing else
B. project number, CT and head. CT
C. project number and CT
D. time registration
Answer: C

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Article Link: http://www.itcertking.com/MB5-625_exam.html

