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Exam Code: 000-184
Exam Name: IBM (IBM WebSphere Message Broker V7.0, System Administration)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 104 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-23
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NO.1 An administrator needs to modify the JVM Heap Size property that is associated with an execution
group. Which command should the administrator execute?
A. mqsichangebroker
B. mqsichangeproperties
C. mqsichangeexecutiongroup
D. mqsicreateexecutiongroup
Answer: B
IBM exam prep 000-184 exam prep 000-184
NO.2 An administrator has backed up a broker on AIX using the command mqsibackupbroker. After the
broker is restored on a new machine, which one of the following tasks must be completed?
A. Restore JAR files that were deployed in BAR files.
B. Restore the configurable services that were defined.
C. Restore the necessary MQ queues for message flows.
D. Restore the /var/mqsi/components/<broker> file system.
Answer: C
IBM certification 000-184 000-184 certification 000-184 000-184 questions 000-184
NO.3 A company has a central server, which stores the catalogue price of everything that the company sells.
This information is required by all Point of Sale (PoS) terminals in all the stores, and each PoS terminal
must be notified of any price change. The PoS terminals connect to the central server through TCP/IP and
wait for any price changes. The server sends any price changes to all connected client applications. The
company has future plans to include other types of PoS clients which uses
WebSphere MQ protocol to interact with the central server. How should the system be
A. Implement protocol conversion on the application code.
B. Implement protocol transformation engines at request entry point.
C. Implement WebSphere Message Broker with TCP/IP and WebSphere MQ Adapters.
D. Implement WebSphere Message Broker to support other request protocols like WebSphere MQ.
Answer: D
IBM 000-184 000-184
NO.4 An administrator has been asked to prepare the environment for migration of WebSphere Message
Broker Version 6.0 to WebSphere Message Broker Version 7.0. What steps does the administrator need
to perform to prepare the environment for migration? Upgrade the WebSphere Message Broker Version
6.0 to use:
A. WebSphere MQ Version 7.0.0 before migration, upgrade WebSphere Message Broker runtime to Fix
Pack 9 (Version or later, upgrade
WebSphere Message Broker toolkit to 6.0.2 or later.
B. WebSphere MQ Version 7.0.1 before migration, upgrade WebSphere Message Broker runtime to Fix
Pack 7 (Version or later, upgrade
WebSphere Message Broker toolkit to 6.0.2 or later.
C. WebSphere MQ Version 7.0.1 before migration, upgrade WebSphere Message Broker runtime to Fix
Pack 9 (Version or later, upgrade WebSphere Message Broker toolkit to 6.0.2 or later.
D. WebSphere MQ Version before migration, upgrade WebSphere Message Broker runtime to
Fix Pack 7 (Version or later, upgrade WebSphere Message Broker toolkit to 6.0.2 or later.
Answer: C
IBM exam dumps 000-184 000-184 study guide 000-184 certification
NO.5 An administrator has backed up the broker using the command mqsibackupbroker. The command was
issued while the broker was running and processing deployments. What is the outcome?
A. The command completes successfully as normal.
B. The backup file contains incomplete information and is unusable.
C. The command does not complete until deployments are complete.
D. An error message was issued indicating the broker was in use.
Answer: B
IBM 000-184 exam prep 000-184 pdf 000-184 original questions 000-184
NO.6 An administrator needs to group several brokers into a Broker Set to make it easier to manage them
from a single WebSphere Message Broker Explorer workspace. The administrator creates an Automatic
Broker Set using the filter brokerEnvironment:Production. Which of the following steps does the
administrator need to perform in WebSphere Message Broker Explorer to ensure the correct brokers are
in this Broker Set?
A. Drag and drop the correct brokers onto the Broker Set.
B. Manually change the Properties of the correct brokers.
C. Manually change the Broker Tags of the correct brokers.
D. Define the properties of the filter to select brokers by the correct name.
Answer: C
IBM 000-184 braindump 000-184 study guide 000-184 answers real questions
NO.7 A message flow Flow1 is running on execution group EG1 on the broker BRK1. As per the business
requirement, the flow accesses the database for transformation and routing. The user ID and password
used by the flow need to be changed to adhere to the company's new policy for user IDs and passwords.
The administrator has been asked to change the user ID and password for the given message flow
without affecting other flows. The administrator is using the mqsisetdbparms command to set the user ID
and password. Which command should the administrator use next?
A. mqsistart BRK1
B. mqsireload BRK1 -e EG1
C. mqsistartmsgflow BRK1 -e EG1 -m Flow1
D. mqsistopmsgflow BRK1 -e EG1 -m Flow1
Answer: B
IBM 000-184 braindump 000-184 000-184 000-184 test
NO.8 An administrator has installed WebSphere Message Broker V7.0 on a production system which has an
existing implementation of WebSphere Message Broker V6.1. The administrator already has an
Administration API (CMP API) script for monitoring the deployed resources on V6.1. What is the option
that the administrator can use to monitor the deployed resources for WebSphere Message Broker V7.0?
A. Install SupportPac I098.
B. Reuse the existing Administration API script.
C. Update the CLASSPATH to add new API JARs.
D. Update the existing Administration API script to remove deprecated API calls.
Answer: B
IBM 000-184 000-184 000-184 braindump
NO.9 A broker administrator needs to verify the number of message flows that are running or will start to run
within each execution group in a running broker. Which detail level should be specified for mqsilist BRK1
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: C
IBM 000-184 000-184 braindump
NO.10 An administrator is asked to set up administration security for an existing broker, so that only
authorized users can perform administrative tasks against the broker and its resources. What command
does the administrator need to run?
A. mqsisetsecurity
B. mqsichangebroker
C. mqsicreateaclentry
D. mqsichangeproperties
Answer: B
IBM 000-184 000-184 000-184
NO.11 An administrator needs to install service updates to the WebSphere Message Broker V 7.0
toolkit.What should the administrator use to do this?
A. IBM Support Center
B. IBM Software Support
C. IBM Support Assistant
D. IBM Installation Manager
Answer: D
IBM 000-184 certification 000-184 certification 000-184 certification
NO.12 A company has legacy and modern applications co-existing in their enterprise environment. The legacy
application requires business messages in COMMAREA formats while the modern application requires
XML format for processing. There is a need for their web application to interact with legacy and modern
application to process a transaction. What is the recommended way for implementing the desired
A. Split the business use case to two different transactions each invoking one target component.
B. Invoke the modern application on XML format request then process the legacy application request.
C. Implement two different format request invocation from the application to the target
D. Implement WebSphere Message Broker and route the request on specified formats to the target
Answer: D
IBM 000-184 certification training 000-184 000-184 test
NO.13 An administrator has installed WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit V7.0 on a production system which
has an existing implementation of WebSphere Message Broker V6.1. How should the administrator use
the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit V7.0 to administer WebSphere Message Broker 7.0 and
WebSphere Message Broker V6.1?
A. Use the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit V7.0 to adopt the V6.1 brokers.
B. Use the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit V7.0 to connect to the WebSphere Message Broker V6.1.
C. Install SupportPac I097 to achieve unified administration through the WebSphere Message Broker
Toolkit V7.0.
D. Administration of WebSphere Message Broker V6.1 is not supported through WebSphere Message
Broker Toolkit V7.0.
Answer: D
IBM exam dumps 000-184 000-184 000-184 questions 000-184
NO.14 An administrator needs to administer a broker on a Windows platform through the Administration API
exerciser. How can the administrator start the exerciser?
A. Set the mqsiclasspath and then invoke
B. Invoke the shell script install_dir/sample/ConfigManagerProxy/StartConfigManagerProxyExerciser
C. Run the shell script install_dir\sample\ConfigManagerProxy\StartConfigManagerProxyExerciser
from a WebSphere Message Broker Command Console.
D. Put a .bat script install_dir/sample/ConfigMangerProxy/StartConfigManagerProxyExerciser which
can include the broker environment and start the Configuration Manager.
Answer: C
IBM questions 000-184 test 000-184 test 000-184 practice test 000-184 pdf 000-184 pdf
NO.15 An administrator has been asked to do capacity planning for the implementation of WebSphere
Message Broker on an already existing system where other enterprise applications are running.
What is the recommended approach for sizing?
A. Analyze the current capacity sizing on the system.
B. Implement WebSphere Message Broker and add 1GB RAM in current production.
C. Implement WebSphere Message Broker on the production so the capacity planning can be done.
D. Vertically scale the system by adding CPU, RAM & disk space if needed for Message Broker
E. Generate the capacity planning report via the capacity planning for a given topology feature in
WebSphere Message Broker.
Answer: A,D
IBM 000-184 000-184 000-184
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