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Aruba certification ACMA-6.1 exams has become more and more popular in the fiercely competitive IT industry. Although more and more people sign up to attend this examination of, the official did not reduce its difficulty and it is still difficult to pass the exam. After all, this is an authoritative test to inspect the computer professional knowledge and information technology ability. In order to pass the Aruba certification ACMA-6.1 exam, generally, many people need to spend a lot of time and effort to review.
Exam Code: ACMA-6.1
Exam Name: Aruba (Aruba Certified Mobility Associate 6.1)
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Total Q&A: 72 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-27
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ACMA-6.1 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Firewall policy should be written from:
A. Least specific to most specific
B. Most specific to least specific
C. Most important resources first
D. Order is not important
E. Policies with the most rules 1st
Answer: B
Aruba questions ACMA-6.1 exam dumps ACMA-6.1 test questions ACMA-6.1 exam prep
NO.2 What are some best practices when configuring the Aruba Firewall (Select two)?:
A. Use aliases when possible
B. Write rules from least specific to most specific
C. Take actions like blacklisting when users violate policies
D. Create a different policy for each unique rule
E. Create different policies for access to different servers
Answer: A,C
Aruba ACMA-6.1 ACMA-6.1
NO.3 In a Campus AP deployment, an access point has been provisioned statically with an IP address,
subnet mask, default gateway and Controller IP address. Control Plane Security has been disabled.
Both the Controller and the Access Point are using 6.1 firmware. If a 3rd party firewall is placed in
between the AP and controller, what traffic would need to be allowed for the AP to boot
successfully and broadcast Wireless Networks? (Select two)
Answer: B,C
Aruba ACMA-6.1 ACMA-6.1 ACMA-6.1 dumps ACMA-6.1 exam simulations
NO.4 Which of the following parameters is not needed by Visual RF Plan in order to Plan APs on a
floor region?
A. AP Type
B. PHY Type
C. Distance to Controller
D. Environment
E. Desired Data Rate
Answer: C
Aruba demo ACMA-6.1 study guide ACMA-6.1 ACMA-6.1
NO.5 Aruba's recommended best option for authenticating guest users is:
A. Temporary employee account
B. Kerberos
C. Captive Portal
D. Windows logon
E. Email address
Answer: C
Aruba test questions ACMA-6.1 original questions ACMA-6.1 exam dumps ACMA-6.1 ACMA-6.1 demo
NO.6 Which of the following cannot be accomplished from the startup wizard?
A. Basic controller configuration
B. License installation
C. VPN configuration
D. WLAN configuration
E. Firewall Roles
Answer: C
Aruba practice test ACMA-6.1 test answers ACMA-6.1 exam simulations ACMA-6.1 exam prep ACMA-6.1
NO.7 802.11n APs operate in which bands? (Select two)
A. 900 MHz
B. 2.4 GHz
C. 2.4 MHz
D. 5 GHz
E. 5 MHz
Answer: B,D
Aruba ACMA-6.1 ACMA-6.1 test answers ACMA-6.1
NO.8 Which of the following statements about management accounts is false?
A. The root account can be used to monitor access points connected to the controller
B. The guest-provisioning account can see the controller's configuration but cannot change it
C. The read-only account cannot delete internal database entries
D. The guest-provisioning account can make changes to the internal AP database
E. The network-operations account cannot access configuration
Answer: B
Aruba questions ACMA-6.1 practice test ACMA-6.1 ACMA-6.1 ACMA-6.1
NO.9 When configuring a default gateway in the startup wizard it must be a part of:
A. A VLAN configured with an IP interface and assigned to a port
B. An IP range that is not assigned to a port or VLAN
C. A VLAN assigned to a port but without an IP interface configured
D. A VLAN not configured on the controller
E. The management Vlan
Answer: A
Aruba exam ACMA-6.1 braindump ACMA-6.1 ACMA-6.1 braindump
NO.10 What information is required by an AP in order to boot? (Select three)
A. AP's IP Address, Netmask, Default Gateway
B. AP's Name and Group
C. Aruba Controller's Master IP Address
D. An established NTP connection to the Master Controller
E. Establish an IPSEC tunnel with the Master controller
Answer: A,B,C
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