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Exam Code: 000-M88
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Unica Enterprise Marketing Operations Technical Mastery Test v1)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 55 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-23
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NO.1 In Unica Marketing Operations, a user can link to a Campaign only if:
A.The user is an administrator.
B.The user has both Unica Marketing Operations and Unica Campaign installed.
C.The user has Campaign permissions.
D.The user sets the Project to Linked status.
Answer: B
IBM 000-M88 000-M88 original questions 000-M88 000-M88
NO.2 In a Unica Marketing Operations Project Details view, what tab displays all modifications made to the
Project or Request since its creation?
Answer: C
IBM 000-M88 000-M88 test answers 000-M88 braindump
NO.3 In Unica Marketing Operations, where does a user - who has permission ?go to view a Plan's status,
Program areas, and security policy?
A.Settings menu
B.Attachments tab
C.Summary tab
D.Project home page
Answer: C
IBM 000-M88 000-M88 test answers
NO.4 In Unica Marketing Operations, how many templates can a customer have for digital assets?
Answer: A
IBM test answers 000-M88 test 000-M88 demo 000-M88 000-M88
NO.5 In Unica Marketing Operations, what is/are the key capability/capabilities for Accounts?
A.Define the hierarchy of accounts and subaccounts.
B.Fund or allocate money to the account, at the beginning of a fiscal period.
C.Track estimated and actual withdrawals from those accounts, by time period.
D.All of the above.
Answer: D
IBM test questions 000-M88 000-M88 000-M88 exam prep 000-M88
NO.6 Which of the following data redistribution methods generally results in the fastest query times?
A.Co-located joins
B.Single redistribution joins
C.Double redistribution joins
D.Broadcast joins
Answer: A
IBM 000-M88 practice test 000-M88 test questions
NO.7 In Unica Marketing Operations, which of the following is a requirement for linked Programs and Plans?
A.Must have the same owner.
B.Must have the same security policy.
C.Must have the same status.
D.Must have the same effective date.
Answer: B
IBM demo 000-M88 000-M88
NO.8 In Unica Marketing Operations, a user can generate single-object reports, such as Revision History or
Approval Responses.Where are these reports available for Projects, Programs and Plans?
A.Workflow tab
B.Summary tab
C.Custom tab
D.Analysis tab
Answer: D
IBM 000-M88 test answers 000-M88 exam dumps 000-M88 000-M88 000-M88 exam simulations
NO.9 In Unica Marketing Operations, what type of budget planning is particularly useful if a plan has
predictable expenses from year to year?
A.Bottom up budget.
B.Top down budget.
C.Master budget.
D.Cash budget.
Answer: B
IBM 000-M88 study guide 000-M88
NO.10 In Unica Marketing Operations, where does a user go to view the marketing object types for a Project?
A.In the Workflow.
B.In the Project Summary Tab.
C.In the marketing object template.
D.On the marketing object list page.
Answer: D
IBM 000-M88 000-M88 test 000-M88
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