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Exam Code: 000-979
Exam Name: IBM (Power Systems with POWER7 and IBM i Technical Sales Skills - v1)
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Total Q&A: 124 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-28
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NO.1 When planning to encrypt an independent ASP (iASP), what must be considered?
A. IBM i 6.1 and POWER6 hardware is required.
B. Increased time to create the encrypted iASP.
C. Encrypted iASPs must be at least 1TB in size.
D. Only controllers which support compression can be used in an encrypted iASP.
Answer: B
IBM test questions 000-979 000-979 000-979 000-979 exam simulations
NO.2 An IBM i customer needs highly available disk storage on their new Power 750. The following
requirements have been determined:
Loop level redundant RAID-5
No disk in the CEC
Six 70GB Solid State Disks (SSDs)
Sixty six 284GB SAS disks (large form factor)
What design elements must be considered.?
A. SSD requires at least 1.5MB write cache
B. SSD and traditional disks must be in separate loops
C. SSD and traditional disks must be in different drawers
D. SSD and traditional disks must be on different controllers
Answer: D
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NO.3 A customer has developed a new Domino application and is considering deploying it on one or more
Power 720 systems which run IBM i and utilize external storage. How can the amount of memory and the
number of disk arms required to support the application be estimated?
A. Use the IBM Systems Workload Estimator to do a system sizing.
B. Collect Domino STATREP data and process it using DiskMagic(R).
C. Use Tivoli's TADDM (Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager) to size the system.
D. Import performance collection data into eConfig for correct disk arm and memory configuration.
Answer: D
IBM 000-979 000-979 questions 000-979 answers real questions
NO.4 A client has expressed an interest in a new POWER7 system, and has also expressed concern about
application availability. They need zero data loss and an outage window of less than 15 minutes. Which of
the following will assure the most redundancy and quickest recovery time?
A. Configure an iASP and place 2 system units on the same I/O loop.
B. Configure a duplicate system in a second location with Cross-Site Mirroring between the systems.
C. Configure a duplicate system in a second location with asynchronous remote journaling between the
D. Configure SAN storage and place the flash copy disk in a second location connected to a second
system unit.
Answer: B
IBM test answers 000-979 000-979 000-979 answers real questions 000-979
NO.5 A customer has a 4-core Power 720 with 4 PCIe adapters in the CEC, and wants to add another adapter
to the system. Which of the following must be considered?
A. An expansion drawer must be added
B. It can be placed in an unused GX slot
C. A low-profile adapter must be selected
D. The 2-slot PCIe expansion riser must be ordered
Answer: C
IBM 000-979 exam 000-979 answers real questions
NO.6 A customer has a requirement to add 60 LUNs to their POWER6 570 server. The PCIe FC #5774
2-Port fibre channel adapter will support 64 LUNs but is not available for selection in the SPT.
What is the reason?
A. The FC #5774 has been withdrawn from marketing.
B. The FC #5774 is only supported on AIX partitions.
C. The FC #5774 is only available on the POWER7 servers.
D. The FC #5774 is not supported for the version of IBM i selected.
Answer: D
IBM exam prep 000-979 original questions 000-979 questions
NO.7 In a SAN environment, which disk protection method provides the most resiliency against failure?
A. RAID-0 (striping)
B. RAID-1 (mirroring)
C. RAID-5 (device parity)
D. RAID-10 (mirrored arrays)
Answer: D
IBM original questions 000-979 000-979 000-979 000-979 answers real questions
NO.8 A client has sent a current system configuration, but the listing shows several items with a mark (?) next
to them. What does this indicate?
A. The hardware was not contacted on the last IPL of the system.
B. The hardware is not supported at the current level of IBM i.
C. The hardware was not detected at the time the rack configuration was printed.
D. The hardware listed does not have current microcode levels uploaded and installed.
Answer: C
IBM 000-979 certification 000-979 exam prep 000-979
NO.9 A customer currently owns a Power Systems server with internal disk and no expansion units. Which
option for Independent ASPs are available for this customer?
A. Switchable Independent ASP
B. Non-switchable Independent ASP
C. Expanded *SYSBAS Independent ASP
D. Enhanced Protection Independent ASP
Answer: B
IBM 000-979 000-979 exam 000-979
NO.10 A customer with a non-partitioned Power Systems server plans to add three additional LPARs, all
running IBM i. No processor activations are needed for these new workloads. The only additional software
required is WebSphere Application Server (WAS), WebSphere Commerce suite, and Tivoli applications,
each running in their own partition. How many additional IBM i base license authorizations are needed for
the new partitions?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: A
IBM 000-979 000-979 000-979 000-979 000-979 test answers
NO.11 A customer is planning to add a FC #5802 12X expansion drawer to a POWER6 4-core 520. The
drawer will contain four Solid State FC #1909 small-form-factor disk drives, and nine 69GB SAS
small-form-factor disk drives. What is the correct number of FC #5903 PCIe Dual - x4 3Gb SAS RAID
adapters that will be required?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer: C
IBM 000-979 000-979 000-979
NO.12 A customer enterprise consists of iSeries and System i servers in several countries communicating
over an Ethernet network. All system are running V5R4 or above. The customer has written hundreds of
applications that utilize SNA protocol for communicating between the systems. The primary ERP system,
a 9406-825, will be upgraded to a Power 750. What is the least disruptive method of ensuring that their
SNA communications will continue to function after upgrading to the POWER7?
A. Implement Enterprise Extenders on each system to allow SNA applications to run over the IP network.
B. Implement Clustering between all the networked systems to allow SNA applications to run between the
cluster nodes.
C. Migrate a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet adapter from the 9406-825 to the POWER7 system and utilize it for
SNA communications.
D. Create a virtual IP address and using Proxy ARP, reference a port on the POWER7 Integrated Virtual
Ethernet adapter (IVE). Use the Virtual
IP address for SNA communications.
Answer: A
IBM 000-979 questions 000-979 certification training 000-979 exam prep 000-979 original questions
NO.13 A customer has a POWER5 550 with IBM i 6.1.1 with 2 loops. The first loop has a FC #5790 - PCI
Expansion Drawer, and the second loop has a FC #5802 PCIe 12X I/O Drawer. The customer wants to
upgrade to a Power 750. What are the migration issues?
A. IBM i must be upgraded to 7.1.0 first.
B. The FC #5790 - PCI Expansion drawer must be replaced.
C. A second processor card must be ordered to support an HSL loop.
D. The adapter interface on the #5790 must be upgraded to a FC #6432 12X to HSL adapter.
Answer: B
IBM 000-979 000-979
NO.14 A customer has three machines they are consolidating: An 810 with 960 CPW, 16GB of memory, and
800GB of storage.
A POWER5 520 with 2400 CPW, 16GB of memory, and 1TB of storage.
A POWER5 520 with 2400 CPW, 16GB of memory, and 1.6TB of storage.
The customer has stated they need the same resource requirements on the new machine. Which of the
following would fit all three partitions at the lowest price?
A. A 2-core POWER6 520
B. A 4-core POWER6 520
C. A 4-core POWER7 750
D. A 4-core POWER7 720
Answer: D
IBM 000-979 000-979 dumps
NO.15 What occurs when a cache battery on a disk IOA is marked as expired by the system?
A. Cache is disabled until the battery is replaced.
B. Cache is disabled until the disk adapter is IPLed.
C. Cache is disabled until a platform IPL is performed.
D. Cache is disabled until the expiration date is reset using SST.
Answer: A
IBM dumps 000-979 exam simulations 000-979 certification training
NO.16 For what situation must a customer be prepared when using encrypted ASPs?
A. Backups of the encrypted ASP take longer to process.
B. Backups require a tape device which supports encryption.
C. Tape media used for backups of encrypted data must be of a certain type.
D. Data stored in an encrypted ASP consume 10-20% more space than in a non-encrypted ASP.
Answer: B
IBM 000-979 original questions 000-979
NO.17 The customer would like to know if SSDs would be helpful in their configuration. The business partner
has loaded the SSD analyze tool on the customer's system. Which of the following commands will identify
if SSDs would be beneficial to the customer?
Answer: A
IBM certification 000-979 exam dumps 000-979 000-979 000-979
NO.18 A customer running IBM i 6.1 on a system with a POWER6 processor wants a small guest IBM i partition
to verify upcoming changes to an application. Which of the following is required to create this partition?
A. Available disk space on hosting partition
B. Additional license keys for hosted partition
C. Licensed program 5761-SS1 option 68, IBM i Guest Enablement
D. An available port on the Host Ethernet Adapter for LAN console
Answer: A
IBM 000-979 000-979 000-979 000-979 practice test
NO.19 What are the rules for compatibility with previous media as it applies to LTO?
A. Read current generation and previous two. Write current generation and previous one
B. Read current generation and all previous. Write current generation and all previous
C. Read current generation and previous three. Write current generation and previous two
D. Read current generation and previous three. Write current generation and previous three
Answer: A
IBM certification training 000-979 000-979 000-979
NO.20 A customer has a 2-core POWER6 520 with V5R4M5. An LTO-2 tape library is connected to a FC
#5712 Low Voltage SCSI IOA in a FC #0595 expansion unit. They want install a TS2900 LTO-4 Library.
What must be done as part of the installation?
A. Install FC #5912 SAS adapter
B. Convert the FC #0595 from HSL-2 to 12X
C. Upgrade the operating system to IBM i 6.1
D. Change the format of the LTO2 tapes to Ultrium 4
Answer: A
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