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Exam Code: HP0-J26
Exam Name: HP (Designing and Implementing HP SAN Solutions)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 213 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-30
HP0-J26 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which information should be included in the topology map documentation of a SAN design
provided to your support organization? (Select two.)
A.serial numbers of connected servers
B.SAN switch zoning configurations controller operating mode parameters
D.IP addresses of the connected servers
E.World Wide Names of all nodes and devices
Answer:B C
HP HP0-J26 original questions HP0-J26 HP0-J26
NO.2 Which Fibre Channel timing variables must match in an interoperable fabric?
A.Timing variables do not need to match.
HP certification HP0-J26 HP0-J26 test
NO.3 Which features can affect performance in a SAN? (Select three.)
A.cable modes
B.number of ISLs
C.type of LC connector array configuration
E.type and capacity of disks used access restrictions
Answer:B D E
HP practice test HP0-J26 HP0-J26 HP0-J26 exam simulations
NO.4 You are implementing a SAN infrastructure including an HP StorageWorks EVA4400 at a
customer site. The customer is interested in using three-site cascaded replication functionality.
What should you recommend to accomplish this? (Select two).
A.HP StorageWorks FlexCopy
B.HP Continuous Access EVA
C.additional disks in the EVA
D.HP Virtual Replicator
E.HP Business Copy EVA
Answer:B E
HP HP0-J26 HP0-J26 HP0-J26 exam
NO.5 What has the most influence on the response time of a hard disk drive?
A.arbitration request
C.rotational delay time
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NO.6 A single Fibre Channel router is implemented in an existing SAN. What can be accomplished?
A.fabric management service
B.fabric interconnection without merge
C.SAN availability improvement
D.SAN extension across long distances
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NO.7 Which HP tool provides the ability to create a Microsoft Visio diagram of a SAN topology for a
customer documentation?
A.SAN Health
B.SAN Designer
C.SAN Visibility
D.SAN Navigator
HP exam simulations HP0-J26 HP0-J26 test answers HP0-J26
NO.8 You are preparing an installation plan for implementing a new SAN design and want to ensure all
customer needs are included. Which data collection method requires that you create a process
list and review all relevant stakeholders?
A.Card Arrangement
B.Information Extraction
D.Process Mapping
HP HP0-J26 practice test HP0-J26 HP0-J26 exam dumps
NO.9 You are preparing for a homogeneous fabric merge and notice the customer set the same
domain ID for all fabrics. What will happen if this is not corrected?
A.Enabled zone configurations are immediately disabled.
B.Domain IDs remain unchanged and the fabrics become segmented.
C.Domain IDs are automatically renumbered and the fabrics merge, but port zoning is affected.
D.Domain IDs are automatically renumbered and the fabrics merge without any side effect.
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NO.10 To install additional switches, you must determine the ideal ISL ratio. Which ISL ratio range is
recommended for less I/O intensive application requirements (less than 70 MB/s at 2 Gb/s, less
than 140 MB/s at 4 Gb/s, less than 280 MB/s at 8 Gb/s)?
A.3:1 to 1:1
B.1:1 to 3:1
C.15:1 to 7:1
D.7:1 to 15:1
HP HP0-J26 HP0-J26 certification HP0-J26 HP0-J26
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