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Exam Code: SU0-224
Exam Name: Huawei (Huawei Certified Datacom Professional - Fast Certification)
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Total Q&A: 706 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-02-22
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NO.1 TRUE/FALSE: A device can be assigned an IP address, with the mask being 255. 255.
255. 240.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
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NO.2 What is the function of the peer ignore command?
A. Deletes a BGP peer.
B. Retains all configurations of the peer, and maintains the BGP peer relationship with the peer, but does
not receive the routes sent from the peer.
C. Retains all configurations of the peer, and maintains the BGP peer relationship with the peer, but does
not advertise routes to the peer.
D. Retains all configurations of the peer, interrupts the BGP peer relationship with the peer, and clears all
related routing information.
Answer: D
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NO.3 Which following BGP attribute can used to define a set of prefixes with the same characteristics?
A. Origin
B. Nexthop
C. Community
Answer: C
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NO.4 What is the maximum bits of a Class C address can be used for subnet?
Answer: A
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NO.5 TRUE/FALSE: An IP-prefix-filter is used to filter IP prefixes and data packets.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
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NO.6 Which are the functions of the route target on an MPLS VPN network?
A. Enable the peer PE to determine whichVPNv4 routes can be imported to the specified VRF.
B. Enable the peer PE to determine whichVPNv4 routes cannot be imported to the specified VRF.
C. Enable the peer CE to determine whichVPNv4 routes can be imported to the specified VRF.
D. Enable the peer CE to determine whichVPNv4 routes cannot be imported to the specified VRF.
Answer: AB
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NO.7 In IPv4, which of the following is the SSM address range allocated by the IANA?
A. 232. 0. 0. 0/24
B. 225. 0. 0. 0/8
C. 232. 0. 0. 0/8
D. 239. 0. 0. 0/8
Answer: D
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NO.8 Which of the following are factors that affect QoS?
A. Bandwidth
B. Delay
C. Jitter
D. Loss of packet
Answer: ABCD
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NO.9 Besides an IPv4 address, a router distinguisher (RD) also contains a flag that distinguishes IP routes to
the same destination IP address in different VPNs.
How many bits are there in the flag?
A. 16
B. 32
C. 64
D. 128
Answer: C
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NO.10 Which of the following character strings matches the regular expression 100$?
A. 3100
B. 100
C. 1008
D. 100 200
Answer: B
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NO.11 Which of the following as-path attributes match this AS-path-filter?
ip AS-path-filter 1 permit 100$|400$
A. 100
B. 3100
C. 1234 1400
D. 300 400
Answer: ABCD
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NO.12 Which of the following technologies can reduce the scale of broadcast domain?
B. Trunk
Answer: A
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NO.13 In OSPF, which of the following statements are incorrect regarding Router LSA generated by Router A.?
A. In Point-to-Point link type, Data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.
B. In TransNet link type, Data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.
C. In StubNet link type, Data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.
D. In Virtual link type, Data is set to the Router ID of RouterA.
Answer: CD
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NO.14 TRUE/FALSE: Only Router-LSAs and Network-LSAs are involved in intra-area route calculations.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
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NO.15 Which of the attributes must exist in the BGP Update messages ?
Answer: BCD
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NO.16 TRUE/FALSE: Only one BGP process can be configured on a router.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
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NO.17 Which of the following configurations can be performed to implement fast failure detection on a
A. Reduce the holdtime of Join/Prune messages.
B. Reduce the interval for an interface to send Hello messages.
C. Set up a PIM BFD session between network segment neighbors.
D. Reduce the interval for sending Join/Prune messages.
Answer: BC
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NO.18 Which statements about OSPF packets are true?
A. Hello packets can be sent after OSPF is enabled on an interface.
B. LS Request packets are sent only after an adjacency is established.
C. LS Update packets contain detailed LSA information for LSDB synchronization.
D. LS Update packets are sent only after an adjacency is established.
Answer: ABC
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NO.19 Which statement about the trunk interface is true?
A. A trunk interface is always connected to hosts.
B. Multiple VLAN IDs can be set on a trunk interface. The VLAN IDs can be the same as or different from
the PVID.
C. The trunk interface cannot have a PVID.
D. If the trunk interface receives a packet with a VLAN not in the allowed VLAN list, the trunk interface
broadcast the packet in the VLAN.
Answer: B
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NO.20 A Notification message with Error Code 2 indicates an error OPEN message.
Which of the following error sub-codes can be contained in this OPEN message?
A. 1: indicates that the version number is not supported.
B. 2: indicates that the AS of the peer is incorrect.
C. 3: indicates that the BGP identifier is incorrect.
D. 4: indicates that the Optional Parameters filed is not supported.
Answer: ABCD
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