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Exam Code: 000-038
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Tivoli Identity Manager V5.1 Fundamental)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 100 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-24
000-038 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which task can be done using the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager V5.1 (ITIM) Self-Service User Interface
A. manage service profiles
B. manage password changes
C. export text files through the FTP transport
D. send e-mail notifications to the ITIM administrator
Answer: B
IBM 000-038 exam prep 000-038 000-038 000-038
NO.2 What is available to define the User ID for account provisioning in IBM Tivoli Identity Manager V5.1
A. HR Feed
B. ITIM Adapter
C. Identity Policy
D. Adoption Policy
Answer: C
IBM 000-038 exam simulations 000-038 000-038
NO.3 What is an IBM Tivoli Identity Manager V5.1 (ITIM) service?
A. It represents a custom tool used to create an adapter using IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator.
B. It represents an instance of a resource such as an operating system or mail server that ITIM can
C. It represents an instance of a manage resource in order to provision identity policy to the federated
identity server.
D. It represents a user repository which a user can be provisioned and have access to modify XML; it also
represents SOAP 2.0
Answer: B
IBM 000-038 000-038 000-038
NO.4 What is a function of an IBM Tivoli Identity Manager adapter?
A. to log access activities on the managed resource
B. to provide reporting capability on a managed resource
C. to create and modify accounts on a managed resource
D. to create and modify password rules on a managed resource
Answer: C
IBM 000-038 certification 000-038 000-038 000-038 braindump 000-038
NO.5 What configuration option is provided by the Middleware Configuration Utility?
A. create and configure the directory server
B. create and configure the application server
C. create and configure the HTTP Server plug-in
D. create and configure the directory integrator server
Answer: A
IBM certification 000-038 test questions 000-038 certification 000-038 000-038 exam
NO.6 What are two output formats generated by IBM Tivoli Identity Manager V5.1 reports? (Choose two.)
E. Microsoft Word
Answer: B, C
IBM 000-038 answers real questions 000-038 000-038 original questions 000-038
NO.7 What can be achieved by IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business protecting IBM Tivoli Identity
A. data sync
B. access control
C. roles management
D. federated identity management
Answer: B
IBM test 000-038 000-038
NO.8 JavaScript is used in which IBM Tivoli Identity Manager V5.1 task?
B. Reports
C. Data Synchronization
D. Provisioning Policy Entitlements
Answer: D
IBM test 000-038 000-038 000-038 000-038
NO.9 Where does JavaScript defined with IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (ITIM) execute.?
A. browser
B. database
C. directory server
D. application server
Answer: D
IBM 000-038 000-038 000-038 answers real questions 000-038
NO.10 Which activity should be included during the requirements gathering phase for automating account
A. document reverse password synchronization
B. document challenge and response questions
C. document Self-Service Console requirements
D. document relationships between roles and accounts
Answer: D
IBM study guide 000-038 original questions 000-038 exam dumps 000-038
NO.11 Which attribute is required for an IBM Tivoli Identity Manager custom person entity?
A. cn
B. uid
C. mail
D. eraliases
Answer: A
IBM 000-038 000-038 000-038 exam simulations 000-038
NO.12 Which policy type allows accounts and accesses to be validated periodically?
A. Identity
B. Adoption
C. Provisioning
D. Recertification
Answer: D
IBM exam simulations 000-038 000-038 answers real questions
NO.13 Which product can be configured with IBM Tivoli Identity Manager for auditing requirements?
A. IBM Tivoli Security Operation Manager
B. IBM Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager
C. IBM Tivoli Compliance Operation Manager
D. IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business
Answer: B
IBM certification 000-038 000-038 000-038 questions
NO.14 Which operation is valid when a user's identity is suspended given properly configured automatic
provisioning policies and roles in IBM Tivoli Identity Manager V5.1?
A. The user's accounts are suspended on managed targets.
B. The user's identity is suspended and the accounts are deleted on the managed target.
C. The user's accounts will be modified in order to grant access rights to managed targets.
D. The user's accounts are added to the suspended group on the Enterprise Directory Server.
Answer: A
IBM dumps 000-038 000-038 000-038
NO.15 What is one purpose of IBM Tivoli Identity Manager V5.1 adapters?
A. to send SMTP alerts
B. to provision VMware images
C. to send text files by FTP action
D. to provision and de-provision accounts
Answer: D
IBM 000-038 000-038 practice test 000-038 certification 000-038 exam prep
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