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Exam Code: 190-804
Exam Name: Lotus (Using JavaScript in IBM Louts Domino 8 Applications)
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Total Q&A: 88 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-10-29
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NO.1 Given the following:
<INPUT TYPE=button NAME="submitBtn" VALUE="Submit" onClick="submitMe(this.form)">
Which one of the following is the "submitMe(this.form)" portion of the tag called?
A.Button event
B.Event handler
C.Button method
D.onClick method
Lotus 190-804 original questions 190-804 190-804 190-804 questions
NO.2 A JavaScript code segment was placed in the JS Header event of a form object. The beginning of that
segment looked like the following:
function validate(field)
When the function was called, it did not work correctly. Which one of the following would prevent this
function from working properly?
A.validateRunning was defined earlier as a number, not a boolean.
B.validateRunning was declared and initialized in the calling event.
C.validateRunning was declared and initialized in the JS Header event.
D.validateRunning was declared in the JS Header event and initialized in the calling event.
Lotus 190-804 190-804 190-804
NO.3 Ann created the following code segment:
function checksubject() { if(window.document.forms[0].Subject.value=="") { alert("Please enter a
subject."); window.document.forms[0].Subject.focus()} else
{ window.document.forms[0].submit() }
Which one of the following could Ann place between the function name and the if statement to prevent the
need to type window.document.forms[0] each time it is needed?
A.function checksubject(){(this){if(Subject.value="")
B.function checksubject(){with(this){if(Subject.value="")
C.function checksubject(){(window.document.forms[0]){if(Subject.value=="")
D.function checksubject(){with(window.document.forms[0]){if(Subject.value=="")
Lotus answers real questions 190-804 190-804 exam dumps 190-804 190-804 demo
NO.4 Jerry wants to write an if-then statement in JavaScript that evaluates to "true" if the values of the
variables string1 and string2 are NOT equal. How should he code the first line of the if-then statement?
A.if (string1 <> string2)
B.if (string1 != string2)
C.if (!(string1 = string2))
D.if (equals(string1, string2))
Lotus 190-804 190-804 demo
NO.5 Which one of the following designated lines has incorrect code?
// initialize the variables
secsPerMin = 60; // <LINE A>
var minsPerHour = 60;
var hoursPerDay = 24;
var daysPerYear = 365;
// perform calculations
var secsPerDay = secsPerMin * minsPerHour * hoursPerDay; //<LINE B>
var secsPerYear = secsPerDay * daysPerYear;
document.writeln("There are ");
document.writeln(secsperYear); //<LINE C>
document.writeln(" seconds per year.</b><p>"); //<LINE D>
Lotus 190-804 original questions 190-804
NO.6 The following JavaScript code was placed in the onChange event for a listbox:
var frm = document.forms[0];
var sc = frm.SelectedVacation;
var vacation = this;
sc.value = "";
<MISSING CODE> { if(vacation.options[i].selected) { sc.value = sc.value
+ vacation.options[i].text = "\n"; } }
Which one of the following is the missing line of code?
A.until (i=0, i> vacation.length, i--)
B.for (i = 0; i < vacation.length; i++)
C.for (i = 0; index < vacation.length; i++)
D.while (i !=0; index < vacation.length; i--)
Lotus 190-804 questions 190-804 demo 190-804 190-804 demo 190-804 answers real questions
NO.7 Hanna needs to write a function that will allow her to set a cookie and have the cookie expire when the
browser is closed. Which function below will meet these goals?
A.function setCookie(cName, cValue) {
document.cookie = cName + "=" + escape(cValue);}
B.function setCookie(cName, cValue) {var currDt = new Date();document.cookie = cName + ";" +
escape(cValue) + ";" + currDt.getTime() ;}
C.function setCookie(cName, cValue, cKeepDays) {var currDt = new Date();var expireDt = new Date();
expireDt.setTime( currDt.getTime() + (60*60*24*cKeepDays) );document.cookie = cName + "=" +
escape(cValue) + ";expireDt=" + expireDt.toGMT();}
D.function setCookie(cName, cValue, cKeepDays) {var expireDt = new Date();if (cKeepDays != null) {
expireDt.setTime( expireDt.getTime() + (1000*60*24*cKeepDays) );}
document.cookie = cName + "=" + escape(cValue) + ";expireDt=" + expireDt.toGMT();}
Lotus exam 190-804 190-804 certification training
NO.8 Ann has written the following code in the Submit button onClick event:
if(window.document.forms[0].Email.value="") { alert("Please enter an email we can use to reply to your
window.document.forms[0].Email.focus() } else { window.document.forms[0].submit() }
When she runs it, the else statement is never executed. Which one of the following code changes will
correct the error?
D.The code is correct. It needs to be moved to the onBlur event of the Email field.
Lotus 190-804 190-804 original questions 190-804 practice test
NO.9 Greg wants to put a hyperlink on his web page that brings the user back
to the previous page they were on. So far he has written the following
HTML code:
<a href="_________________">Click here to go back one page</a>
What belongs in the blank "href" part of the HTML code?
Lotus 190-804 pdf 190-804 exam simulations
NO.10 The following code will produce a run-time error:
{ // Line 1 path=location.pathname.toLowerCase( ); // Line 2 nsfPos=path.indexOf(".nsf");
// Line 3 path=path.substring(0, nsfpos+5); // Line 4 }
Which one of the lines is incorrect?
A.Line 1
B.Line 2
C.Line 3
D.Line 4
Lotus test 190-804 certification training 190-804
NO.11 Dan is writing a JavaScript statement to display a message about the movie of the week. Which one of
the following strings would NOT be properly interpreted by JavaScript in an alert dialog box?
A.alert("My brother said, 'I like this movie.'")
B.alert("This week\'s movie is my brother\'s favorite")
C.alert('This is my brother's favorite movie of the week.')
D.alert("The movie of the week is my brother\'s favorite.")
Lotus certification 190-804 190-804 190-804 demo
NO.12 Consider the following:
<INPUT TYPE=button NAME="submitBtn" VALUE="Submit" onClick="submitMe(this.form)">
Which one of the following does the JavaScript event handler do?
A.It submits the current HTML form.
B.It submits the current HTML page.
C.It calls a JavaScript function called submitMe( ) and passes the first form object on the current page.
D.It calls a JavaScript function called submitMe( ) and passes the form object that contains the button.
Lotus certification training 190-804 190-804 190-804 190-804
NO.13 Inga wants to determine in her JavaScript if the user is using the Notes client or a Web browser. Which
one of the following JavaScript properties will tell her that information?
D.You cannot determine this using JavaScript.
Lotus 190-804 190-804
NO.14 Rashida needs to display the current date, in dd-mmm-yyyy format, in an alert message. For example,
the first day of the 2007 should be displayed as 01-Jan-2007. So far, she has written these lines in a new
function that she will use to create the date string:
function getDateDMY() { var months = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); var dt = new Date(); <MISSING CODE> }
What should Rashida add in place of the <MISSING CODE>?
A.var dd = dt.getDay();
var mmm = dt.getMonth();
var yyyy = dt.getFullYear();
return dd + "-" + months[mmm] + "-" + yyyy;
B.var dd = dt.getDay();
var mmm = dt.getMonth();
var yyyy = dt.getFullYear();
return = dd + "-" + months.options[mmm] + "-" + yyyy;
C.var dd = dt.getDate();
if (dd < 10) { dd = "0" + dd }
var mmm = dt.getMonth();
var yyyy = dt.getFullYear();
return dd + "-" + months[mmm] + "-" + yyyy;
D.var dd = dt.getDate();
if (dd < 10) { dd = "0" + parseInt(dd) }
var mmm = dt.getMonth();
var yyyy = dt.getFullYear();
return = dd + "-" + months[mmm] + "-" + parseInt(yyyy);
Lotus certification 190-804 questions 190-804 study guide 190-804
NO.15 Marie is getting an error in the following line of JavaScript code that is attached to a button on a Notes
Form: totalAttempts[0] = 1;
How can she add error checking to this code to handle the error?
A.if (isError(totalAttempts[0] = 1)) {alert ("totalAttempts not defined");}
B.try {totalAttempts[0] = 1;} catch (e) {alert ("totalAttempts not defined");}
C.errorHandle messageAlert;totalAttempts[0] = 1;messageAlert: alert ("totalAttempts not defined");
D.onError GoTo messageAlert;totalAttempts[0] = 1;messageAlert: alert ("totalAttempts not defined");
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NO.16 Look at the following JavaScript code segment:
var fullStr = new String( "Hello World!");
var subS = "World";
var subStart =<MISSING CODE>
Which one of the following should be placed in the <MISSING CODE> to find the position of a substring
within a string object?
C.substring(fullStr, subS);
D.fullStr.substring(0, subS);
Lotus questions 190-804 190-804 pdf 190-804 190-804 190-804 study guide
NO.17 Look at the following code for the onClick event of a button:
function printvar() { var1 = 20; alert( 'the value of var1 is ' + var1 );}
var var1 = 10;
Which one of the following will be the value of var1 in the alert message?
Lotus answers real questions 190-804 test 190-804
NO.18 Devon has placed the following code in the JS Header event of a form:
function userConfirm( ) { if( confirm( "Do you wish to continue" )) { promptUser( ); } }
function promptUser( ) { x = prompt( "Please enter some text", "" ); alert( x ); }
There is a button on the form where the onClick event is: userConfirm( ).
Which one of the following will happen when the user chooses "Yes" in the confirmation prompt?
A.The promptUser( ) function will run and display an error message, "Please enter some text".
B.The promptUser( ) function will run and ask the user to input a value, which will then be posted in a
confirm prompt.
C.A run-time error will appear, stating that the promptUser( ) function is undefined, since it was defined
after the userConfirm( ) function.
D.The promptUser( ) function will run with an input prompt asking the user to input a value, which will then
be posted in an alert prompt.
Lotus questions 190-804 practice test 190-804 original questions 190-804 190-804 braindump
NO.19 Uma has written the following code to compare two values in the form onSubmit event:
if (resp = 'Boston') { alert ("You are from Boston."); } else { alert ("You are not from Boston."); };
Uma tests her form. However, every time she saves it, the alert says "You are from Boston.", even when
she enters "New York". Which one of the following causes this to happen?
A.The form name should be used to reference the form.
B.The city field on the form is named "City", not "city".
C.The comparison operator to test equality should be "==".
D.There is no "End If" at the end of the If statement block.
Lotus exam simulations 190-804 190-804
NO.20 Aaron has written the following JavaScript for the onClick event of a button:
a = "2" + 2; alert( a );
What will happen when the button is clicked?
A.An alert box will display: 4
B.An alert box will display: 22
C.A blank alert box will display
D.No alert box will display, due to the JavaScript error
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